'AI' in architecture & design

1. ARK - create floor plans  2. Dalle-3 - text to image
3. promeai - image create & render 4. Architechtures - AI-powered building design
5. lookx - architecural design 8. Architect AI -  architectural render & design...
7. Archistar - use of site... 6. Hypar - text to BIM


my GPT platforms

QnA Assist QnB Design


nazdeb.com is providing support
 students of Architecture and Building Design since year 2000


national construction code 
[free from 2015] ♦♦ - D
-Topic 2 - electronic housing code [exempt / complying development] - D
energycompliance ♦♦ ♦♦ Topic 4 - application tracking - D
Australian standards - TAFE - D - Topic 6 - What is LEP? - D
nsw legislation - D - Topic 1 - planning viewer [planning info.] - D           
land checker -
find out about zoning etc.
 - D
- Topic 5 - BASIX - D
-​​​​ exempt/complying developments - nsw
home building contracts - D
- edonsw - environmental law - D consumer building guide - D
- Australian Standards &
various parts of a house... - D
nsw planning portal ♦♦♦ - D
construction law made easy - D consumer building guide - D
home building contracts - D building regulations - D




design development and presentation videos by Q...